the true cost (opportunity cost) of going trekking is what the amount that you could have earned from your part time job on that day instead of going trekking. If you were planning to to study, then the true cost of trekking with your friend would be the loss of all the potential knowledge that you could have gain from studying.
opportunity cost is the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.
T.V. advertisements
Billboard signs
News papers
Magazine adverts
Social media outlets or post
November 17
Trade Receivable-Thomas Company $56,250 (debit)
Revenue $56,250 (credit)
November 26
Cash $55,125 (debit)
Discount Allowed $1,125 (debit)
Trade Receivable-Thomas Company $56,250 (credit)
November 17
Recognize Revenue and Recognize an Asset : Trade Receivable
Trade Receivable-Thomas Company $56,250 (debit)
Revenue $56,250 (credit)
Revenue Calculation = 100 units × $760 × 75% = $56,250
November 26
The payment date is within the cash discount period in terms of credit sale. Hence Thomas Company is granted cash discount of 2% (2/10, n/30).
Cash $55,125 (debit)
Discount Allowed $1,125 (debit)
Trade Receivable-Thomas Company $56,250 (credit)
Okay. So the warehouse bought the digital way Che's for $92.99 and they're gonna sell it to people for 25% more. So what we do is 92.99 * 125% or 1.25 in decimal form. When we multiply the numbers together, the product is 116.2375 or 116.24 when rounded to the nearest hundredth. The selling price of the digital watches is $116.24.
Answer: B
A vertical integration is where a company owns another company in the same production line.
For example a company that bakes bread has a farm where wheat is cultivated, a marketing company and retail locations for the sale of the bread.
The advantages of Vertical integration include:
a. It reduces costs.
b. It increases efficiency.
c. It gives the firm greater control of the production process.
A major disadvantage of vertical integration is it requires huge capital outlay.