Each eukaryotic chromosome usually has repeated telomere sequences ranging from 2 to as many as 2000.
There is normally just one specialized DNA sequence called the centromere per eukaryotic chromosomal DNA molecule.
The origin of replication is the site where DNA duplication starts in S phase.
The centromere attaches the chromosome to the mitotic spindle via the kinetochore structure.
Teleomere contains repeateted sequences at the ends of the chromosomes.
Rock 2- volume=30cm3, mass=60g, and density=2g/cm3
When the sun impacts weather, an interaction with the hydrosphere takes place. The hydrosphere is the part of the earth that is enveloped by water. Water exists in three different forms on the earth based on diverse factors.
Weather is the atmospheric condition of a place over a short period of time.
The sun causes the warming of the earth surface which leads to evaporation of water vapor into the atmosphere.
This water in the atmosphere is forms rainfall, one of the elements of weather.
The sun causes an impact on weather by causing evaporation of water into the atmosphere.
This interaction takes place in the hydrosphere.
This is a hormone that deals with blood sugar homeostasis. When blood sugar levels are low, glucagon is produced to convert the fats in the reserve back to glucose until normal levels are achieved.
Bone remodeling involves coordinations of osteoclasts and osteoblasts cells in the bone. The former breaks down bone tissue while the latter mineralizes bones. Calcium is the main ion in the body significant in mineralization of bone. Excess Ca2+ is stored in bone while low calcium levels in blood result in bone resorption.
Stress on a bone also causes increased mineralization to strengthen the bone against this stress. This is why astronauts when they go to space, due to less stress from low gravity, bone loses its mass. When they return back to earth, the bone readjusts to the increased stress from higher gravity by increased mineralization.
The hormone responsible for bone homeostasis is parathyroid hormone.
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