This question is a very open one and i'm not sure what exactly you need to know but you'll need to do a lot of planning. Generally you need to develop an idea of the setting, plot line, characters and the overall meaning or topic of the story. It really helps if you know how you want the story to end so you can create plot twists and use foreshadowing to hint at future events. Most importantly you need creativity and inspiration, write something you think you would read if you were looking for something to enjoy.
Well we can learn everything they been through and did
2.resolution aka the ending
A knock was heard from below, everyone was quiet and scared. Mr Frank opened the door and it was Kleiman, he explained that he tried to protect them but the Nazi’s didn’t believe him. On August 4th, 1944, the nine people who lived in the secret Annex were arrested. They were asked if they wanted to take some of their belongings, but Anne leaves her diary in hopes that it would soon be published
Phineas Flynn collected marbles
it can be a sentence by itself