Answer: implies that the person you ... Once that is answered, you'd move on to provide help, or you'd ask them what sort of ... I might use either one, but in this case it should really be whether.
31 answers
23 votes:
You specified the word “say” in your question, rather than “write,” or the more ...
What do I say if someone says to me, 'need anything ...
20 answers
Apr 2, 2018
What are some 'please respond' alternatives to the usual ...
15 answers
Sep 5, 2014
Is there any alternative for “Please let me know”? - Quora
28 answers
Nov 9, 2017
What should my answer be when someone tells me ...
15 answers
Jul 29, 2019
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A naturalist believes that subjects or participants are able to show their original behavior if they are in their natural environment. A researcher would be more likely to get a true presentation of the participants behaviour if they observe them in their natural environment, if they are not aware that they are under observation. People act normal in normal situations but may alter their behaviour in situations when they know they are being watched.
A naturalist will carry those experiments or research that can't not be done in a lab such as this one of observing women in a shelter.
Third parties are important in dividing candidate votes and can impact elections AND also are important for politics with the ability to force major parties to address and focus on issues they may have previously ignored.
Two negative effects of deflation 1 increase unemployment 2 decreases in Demand
New Zealand's hoki fisheries were the first major fisheries in the world to be certified as sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). The MSC is the gold-star in certification labels and rewards sustainable seafood practices. ... 50 percent of New Zealand's wild-caught seafood harvest is MSC certified.