The rigid social structure of India was made up of different Varnas in a Caste System. This Caste System was a class system based on heredity.
ANSWER: They are 500 years between 300BCE and 200CE
BCE = Before Common Era.
CE = Common Era.
The date of BCE stopped at the birth of Christ. This date is also known as before Christ. While the date of CE is the date that started at the birth of Christ, which some call AD ( Anno Domini).
To calculate how many years that are between two BCE you subtract the years.
To calculate how many years that's are between two CE, you subtract the years.
To calculate how many years are between BCE and CE, you add the years.
Therefore; The number of year that are between 300BCE and 200CE is:
300 + 200 = 500years.
Answer: They couldn't control the gulf after the Spanish-America war
After the Spanish-America war, owning the canals became a military and economic imperative to America despite they acquired they acquired the empire before the war, although they wanted to move warships and business between Pacific and Atlantic ocean.
An individual would not be allowed out on bail or bond because if a person committed a serious crime like murder, or is thought as a threat to society or the community, the bail would be AUTOMATICALLY denied.
I believe the answer is State Government.
Benefits for children and disables are included in the welfare programs created by the Government on each states.
The amount of value that put into this welfare will be depended on Government Aim and the amount of states budget that available during each period.