Talk About The Benefits. of your service over other compines
The answer to this question is option "d".
The answer is user will not be able to login at all. The user wants to log in to the salesforce by its IP address. But in the server, all the IP addresses will be registered for their special work. When the user inserting their IP address to log in to the salesforce. The first server will be checking into there database. If IP address doesn't match it will not permit to access salesforce because in their server it is not a valid IP address. It is registered in sever but not for this user.
So the answer to this question is option "d".
for(i=0; i<4; i++)
A[ i ][ j ] = 2* i - 3*j;
In this loop for each i = 0,1,2,3 we fill the the corresponding column values. and then move to next i value i.e. row.
In 1900, MOHR-COULOMB states Theory of Rupture in Materials which defines as “A material fails due to because of a critical combination of normal and shear stress, not from maximum normal or shear stress”. Failure Envelope is approached by a linear relationship.
If you can not understand the below symbols see the attachment below
f f ()
Where: f = Shear Stress on Failure Plane
´= Normal Stress on Failure Plane
See the graph in the attachment
For calculating the shear stress, when Normal stress, cohesion and angle of internal friction are given. Use this formula: shear stress = f c tan
• f is Shear Stress on Failure Plane
• c is Cohesion
• is Normal Total Stress on Failure Plane
• is Friction Angle