Hawaii and Kiribati
The biggest time difference in the world is the line islands of Kiribati and the state of Hawaii, in which traveling from Hawaii to the line islands means you would have to change your clock forward 22 hours(almost a full day forward).
Answer: Polynomials cannot contain division by a variable.
Daily weather forecast or any kind of natural disaster
Climate is the pattern and state of weather conditions in a long period, spreading over few years. As such, it can tell us what kind of weather we can expect in a certain period of the year. The weather is dependent on climate.
Yet, <u>climate can’t tell us the daily prognosis in detail. </u><u>We might know certain periods in some locations mean a bigger chance of rainfall, but we do not know if we should bring the umbrella with us today. That is why we need weather –</u><u> to tell us current weather and the one upcoming in the near future, so we can adapt to it.</u>
This also goes for natural disasters. Climate can’t foresee if the natural disaster will hit some location at a certain moment in the long future, but weather tells us if something is coming soon and if we should prepare.
Tombolo is associated with an island just offshore of a beach.
A tombolo is a depositional feature that is formed when the longshore current, moving parallel to the sea shore, carries the sand long with them and deposits along the shoreline. It is associated with an island just offshore of a beach while the tombolo is connecting a large piece of land with a small island.
It has a part that is usually sandy, and it looks as a natural bridge or trail that is connecting two pieces of land, and that is what occasionally can make a confusion. It is situated just offshore of a beach.
Learn more about tombolo: