private void printArray(int[] arr){ //0
System.out.print("["); //1
for(int k : arr){ //2
System.out.print(k + ", "); //3
System.out.println("]"); //4
This method should get you started. Your teacher may want a different format or a different type of loop. If you haven't learned for loops yet don't use them that'd be suspicious ;)
What I did:
0: This is the method heading with one parameter for the 1D array. If you need to access it in a different class change private to public.
1: This prints the [ with no line break
2: This is an enhanced for loop to iterate through each element in a 1D array. Alternatively, a normal for loop looks like this:
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
instead of retrieving the variable with the enhanced for, you'd have to use arr[i] instead of k in this scenario.
3: This prints the value in each pass of the loop along with a comma and a space.
4: This adds the ] with a line break when the loop is completed
Hope this helps you get started :D comment if you need further help
I am definitely sure that complete statement looks like this: According to social penetration theory, the breadth dimension concerns the number of topics disclosed whereas the depth dimension concerns the level of detail in topics disclosed. <span>Social penetration theory explains the differences between various levels of </span><span>interpersonal communication</span> in relation to the depth of interpersonal relationships.
You want both conditions to be true, so you can "And" them.
In vbscript, the and is written as "And" (not as && like other languages), so you get:
<span>If (empmedicalins = "y") And (empdentalins = "y") Then
print empidnumber, emplastname, empfirstname
<span>Knowledge of html and css is considered essential for the job of a web-designer. Html and css are useful if you want to build an informational web-site or landing page. Html is used for page structure and basic style. Css used for advanced styles, it helps you to make your web-site look prettier. If you want to make the advanced functions on your web-site, you should use javascript or php.</span>