//C++ code
using namespace std;
// a structure called prod
struct prod
string name;// – a string, assumed to have no spaces
double price; // –adollaramount
int inStock; // – the number of items currently in stock.
//Fucntion Prototypes
void readInventory(prod products[], int& size);
/*returns: a dollar amount, the total value of the inventory*/
double totalValue(prod products[], int size);
// Sorts the given array by name
void sort(prod products[], int size);
/*a report to a file called “report.txt”.
When the file fails to open, print
“Unable to open output file.” and end.*/
void writeReport(prod products[], int size);
//Function definitions
void writeReport(prod products[], int size)
ofstream outfile("report.txt");
outfile << fixed << setprecision(2);
if (!outfile)
cout << "Unable to open output file.\n";
outfile << "+------------------------------+\n | Current Inventory |\n\
\n+------------------------------+\nNAME PRICE #\n\
\n-------------------- ------- ---\n";
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
outfile << products[i].name << " " << products[i].price << " " << products[i].inStock << endl;
outfile << "+------------------------------+\n";
outfile << "Number of products: " << size << endl;
outfile << "Inventory total value: " << totalValue(products, size) << endl;
cout << "Report written to file\n";
//close the output stream
void sort(prod products[], int size)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (int j = i+1; j < size; j++)
if (products[i].name > products[j].name)
prod temp = products[i];
products[i] = products[j];
products[j] = temp;
double totalValue(prod products[], int size)
double total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
total += products[i].inStock * products[i].price;
return total;
void readInventory(prod products[], int& size)
// Open a file called “inventory.txt”
//and read the data from the file into the partial array
//.If the file fails to open,
//print “Unable to open input file”
//and set the number of products to 0.
size = 0;
ifstream inFile("inventory.txt");
if (!inFile)
cout << "Unable to open input file.\n";
string name;
double price;
int qunatity;
while (inFile >> price >>qunatity >>name)
if (price != -1 && qunatity != -1 && name != "endofdata")
products[size].name = name;
products[size].inStock = qunatity;
products[size].price = price;
cout << "inventory read\n";
//close the stream
int main()
//declares a partial array of products
prod products[100];
int size;
// invokes readInventory()
readInventory(products, size);
// invokes sort()
sort(products, size);
// invokes writeReport()
writeReport(products, size);
// ends with the standard system pause.
return 0;
please see attachment for inventory text and output.