To multiply fractions, all you have to do is multiply the numerators and denominators and simplify the result. To divide fractions, you simply have to flip the numerator and denominator of one of the fractions, multiply the result by the other fraction, and simplify.
Step-by-step explanation:
hope this helps
plz mark brainliest
Step-by-step explanation:
To solve this proportion, we have to get the variable, a, by itself.
First, cross multiply.
Multiply the denominator of the first fraction by the numerator of the second, and the numerator of the second by the denominator of the first.
Now, 18 and a are being multiplied. In order to get a by itself, perform the opposite of what is being done. They are being multiplied, so the opposite would be division. Divide both sides by 18.
So, the proportion, with 9 substituted in for a, will be:
yes, if |a|=|b| then a = b......
Well subtract 8 from 1000 and then do that five times. so 992,984,976,968, and 960<span />
Answer: The correct option is triangle GDC
Step-by-step explanation: Please refer to the picture attached for further details.
The dimensions give for the cube are such that the top surface has vertices GBCF while the bottom surface has vertices HADE.
A right angle can be formed in quite a number of ways since the cube has right angles on all six surfaces. However the question states that the diagonal that forms the right angle runs "through the interior."
Therefore option 1 is not correct since the diagonal formed in triangle BDH passes through two surfaces. Triangle DCB is also formed with its diagonal passing only along one of the surfaces. Triangle GHE is also formed with its diagonal running through one of the surfaces.
However, triangle GDC is formed with its diagonal passing through the interior as shown by the "zigzag" line from point G to point D. And then you have another line running from vertex D to vertex C.