It helps deal with stress, taking your mind on the task at hand. Trying something new can be fun and even productive around the house.
When planting vegetables it is very important to know the climate of the area, its usual patterns, and how will that affect the growth and development of the crops. The soil quality too is very important, as it is the basis for the development of the root-stock of the crops.
If we have a temperate type of climate, than we have four different seasons, meaning different weather patterns throughout the year. We can take onions, radish, and peppers as vegetables of choice. The onions can be planted in mid-autumn, as they will need more moisture, and they are resilient to low temperatures, thus will not have problems in the winter, and in the spring they will already have the basis so will grow quickly and be larger. The radish can be planet in late winter or early spring, in a period when there is more precipitation. It is not a vegetable that likes high temperatures, so with its quick development, it will be able to develop the tuber by late spring. The peppers can not sustain low temperatures, so they should be planted in late spring. They also like warm weather and lot of water, so it will be needed to water them a lot in the hot and dry period. They will manage to develop and produce the vegetables by the end of the summer, thus not getting damaged by the cold nights in the autumn.
The effects of climate change may be associated with the increased incidence of <em>V. vulnificus</em> infection
<em>Vibrio vulnificus</em> is a harmful bacterium that causes a serious disease due to eating contaminated seafood, which is the main cause of seafood-related deaths in the USA. <em>V. vulnificus</em> is naturally present in the flora of coastal waters around the world and this bacterium has been isolated from a variety of seafood (e.g.., fish, oysters, shrimp, etc). Epidemiologic studies have shown that the incidence of <em>V. vulnificus</em> infection has increased dramatically since 1996. During this same period, climate change has been responsible for the increase in salinity and temperature of the coastal waters (i.e., the natural habitat of this bacterium). In consequence, it is reasonable to suppose that the change in climatic conditions may be associated with the increased incidence of <em>V. vulnificus</em> infection.
A the concentration gradient!
On a giant pasteboard with pictures, and explanation on what each type of engineer.