Same way glucose does. Lipids enter cells through channels similar to glucose ones, but designated for lipids instead of carbohydrates. Then lipase splits them into separate parts (fatty acids & glycerol I think). The glycerol can either be used to make pyruvic acid and the energy of breaking its bonds can be used to make ATP, or it can go to making glucose, which is stored for later use.
Birds like to lay fossils. Salamanders have tails btw.
Hope this helped!
1.) Achodroplasia is a autosomal dominant disorder, the suspected case suggested that inorder for the parents to produce and offspring with achondroplasia. One parents must have a single mutant gene of achodroplasia to be inherited by his offspring. for this case, It is suggested that the offspring might have developed its own mutant gene as it only affect 1 in 25,000 birth. There is changes of genes during early development.
2.) The mother said that they don't have that history of disorder. again, it's autosomal dominant disorder. one parents must have that kind of disorder so their child can also inherit it. Thus, no of the childs parents is a carrier.
well animals have better feeling in tempeture
so basically if you have a fish in a bag in a hot tank and we cant feel it its because some things need to actually get hot enough or cold enough forus to feel the tempeture so basically animals have better feeling for the heat or the cold than humans