It would have been a much better process for African Americand because they would have not lost people like Martin Luther king Jr., Malcolm X, and the Freedom Riders.
Homosexuality is the romantic, sexual attraction between the same sex and it also gives a person a sense of identity-based on these attractions. Historically homosexuality is a subject of resistance to the conservative and orthodox groups who rejected the sexual behavior of homosexual as unnatural, declaring it a sin and later mental disorder. Modern society accepts homosexuals as normal people but there is still resistance from the conservative section of society.
Stretching that is characterized by a "bouncing" action is called ballistic stretching.
I think you are incorrect Bc #1 the amount of people who marry so,embody from middle school is like 3 percent, it’s not the same as highschool. #2 I’m at home in my pj’s and #3 I’m guessing you in 7th grade but not everyone is in 7th and if you gonna say something like this, pls have correct spelling
Yes, I do because if god is so important and loving and forgiving than why is there so much bad in the world. People say god created the world, then why create one with so many monsters.