The answer is "the interaural level differences"
The interaural level difference is the distinction in loudness and frequency circulation between the two ears. As sound voyages, its quality scatters. Incredibly, our ears can identify commotion contrasts between the left and right ears. In any case, more imperative for sound localization is that the head throws an acoustic shadow, which changes the uproar and recurrence conveyance of sound setting off to every ear.
Not everyone can live like an upper class white man. They posses privaleges and live in a different mindset compared to for example a lower class woman or a man of color. Therefore you cannot compare a white middle class mans mental state as opposed to many other different peoples.
around the 6th century or earlier
Correlation does not prove causation
Correlation and causation are the two terms that are mostly confused and used interchangeably used. These terms are often misunderstood by people. It is very important to know that these terms are used for the conclusion. So that person has to make understand what is the correct meaning of these two terms. Correlation does not imply causation. It is very important to understand this term. Correlation is basically about the two variables. It tells how the two variable is linearly related to each other and change together. It does not tell about how it is related but it tells about the relationship between the variables. Causation is a little bit more than a correlation. It tells about change in one variable that will cause a change in another variable.
It stopped people from trading and it weakened the society