what are you asking what is the questions asking. Are you asking for a diagnosis?
I’d maybe check if there are any alternative meds he can be given, for the depression or AIDS. Or if he can be given other things that may help with symptoms or a more natural approach
A myofascial release is a form of massage therapy that addresses the fascia of connective tissue to release contracted muscles.
Myofascial release (MFR) therapy releases myofascial connective tissue contractions and restrictions by the application of gentle but sustained pressure in order to restore and increase range of motion and eliminate muscle pain.
The gentle pressure through a low load but slowly and gradually makes way for the viscoelastic fascial medium to release the contraction and elongate.
This therapy also called the trigger point therapy is a hands-on massage technique that involves strokes made by fingers, forearm, and loose fists slowly but to the appropriate depth of the fascial layers as felt by the therapist.