G- guanine
The average distance from the sun to Earth
- Astronomical unit is defined as the the average distance from the center of the earth to the center of the sun.
- It is represented by AU.
- The value is equal to a unit of measurement of 149.6 million kilometers.
- An Astronomical Unit is approximately equal to 93 million miles (150 million km). It's approximately 8 light-minutes.
- Astronomical units are usually used to measure distances in solar system.
Según el CERN, en los primeros instantes del Big Bang no había demasiado calor como para que se formen átomos, como el hidrógeno (el elemento más abundante del universo). En estos primeros instantes, mucho antes que se cumpla un segundo (10 a la menos 32), solo había quarks y fotones.
In chemistry, organic compounds are generally any chemical compounds that contain carbon. Due to carbon's ability to catenate, millions of organic compounds are known. The study of the properties, reactions, and syntheses of organic compounds comprises the discipline known as organic chemistry.
You didn't give any answer choices (i'm answering this through research and what i already know)
the first is fossilized dung, and that's not generally gastropod shells. A carbon film would be something thin, seeing as it's a film, and gastropods aren't that. A gastrolith is a stone swallowed by an animal to help with digestion, and that's also not a gastropod.
<span>Gastropod fossils may be molds, but usually aren't. Still, they can be. It's a better answer than; film or stomach stones.</span>