Descent with modification
We define evolution as descent with modification from a common ancestor.
Evolution only occurs when there is a change in gene frequency within a population over time. These genetic differences are hereditary and can be passed on to the next generation - which is what really matters in evolution: long-term change. In this process, the new generations are better suited to their environment than the first generation because of descent with genetic modification.
Answer: I thinks it’s true.
CCAGAT , or B.
The reason why is because A only pairs with T, and G only pairs with C. So, if you have a strand with GGTCTA, the only possible pairing for that to replicate is CCAGAT.
The specific heat capacity represents the amount of energy, in joules, that it takes to raise the temperature of one gram of a given substance by one degree Celsius. Put more simply, the amount of energy it takes to raise a quantity of water by one degree Celsius would raise an equivalent quantity of sand by a little over 14 degrees. Likewise, sand does not need to lose nearly as much energy as water to produce equivalent cooling. Since it "holds" a lot less energy, it cools down much faster than sand.
Indeed, liquid water has an unusually high specific heat capacity. Because it is much less prone to temperature swings than other common substances, large bodies of water often work to moderate temperatures in a region. This helps to explain, for example, why average temperatures fluctuate very little over the year in San Francisco, a city whose climate is heavily influenced by the water that nearly surrounds it.
Tissues are groups of similar cells that have a common function. An organ is a structure that is composed of at least two or more tissue types and performs a specific set of functions for the body. Many organs working together to accomplish a common purpose is called an organ system