if they went and Trained for that job they should be able to do there job
and no one should get mad at them for it because they are doing there job
In his work, Politics Drawn from the Very Words of the Holy Scripture, the French bishop and theologian Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet (1627–1704) presented a convincing and rational argument in support of absolutism. ... Bossuet also intended his work to impress upon rulers the heavy responsibility that the throne entailed.
Institutionalization of Jim Crowe laws and increased availability of manufacturing jobs.
After the return to power of white democratic leaders in the South during late XIX century, local government encated laws to limit the political participation of African-Americans and also to segregate them. At the same time, Northern and Western states opened a number of job positions, specially in the steelmaker industry, where this population saw a new opportunity to leave behind discrimination in the South.
Households and firms have four main interactions with each other, according to the circular flow of the economy.
Households sell or rent the factors of production to firms (labor and capital), and firms use these factors to produce goods and services which they in turn sell to households.
Firms pay households for these factors of production in the form of wages (to pay for labor), or rent and dividends (to pay for capital). Households in turn, spend money in the goods and services that the firms produce, which forms the consumer expenditure component of Gross Domestic Product.