Work out as much as they can
Answer: All of the above.
Answer: This is an example of <em>tolerance. </em>
When a person has tolerance that means that they will need more of the substance to get them to same level as before. Many people grow an tolerance to certain prescription drugs, drugs, etc. A doctor can prescribe a new medicine or up dosages to help the patient not use more of the medication than prescribed.
For Tayla, this means she will have to have more of the substance to achieve the level she had before.
First two are yellow third is white
<span>Social stratification is the essence of a democratic society. However, there can be drawbacks, such as the inequality of the classes. There comes a time when you have to wonder if those that are in better socio economic classes exploit those who do not have an edge in societal classes. So, to answer your question, it is both good for society in that it allows for classes to progress, and it may be bad since those in lower classes will have a harder time advancing.</span>