The administrator can create a master-detail relationship in the Application to the Job Postings.
A master-detail relationship is similar to a parent-child relationship where the master is the parent and the detail is the child and the master controls the behavior of the detail.
sorry, I can't any answer
price variance 12,000 U
quantity variance 4,500 U
std cost $9.00
actual cost $9.20
quantity 60,000
These are givens so no calculation needed.
difference $(0.20)
price variance $(12,000.00)
The difference is negative, we purchase at a higher price, so the variance is unfavorable
std quantity 59500.00 (7 lbs per unit x 8,500 untis manufactured)
actual quantity 60000.00
std cost $9.00

difference -500.00
efficiency variance $(4,500.00)
The difference betwene standard lbs and the actual lbs used into production is negative, we use more lbs than standard. This variance is also unfavorable.
Those decisions should be based on COSTS AND BENEFITS.
In making decision on which course to follow, the decision made will be based on the costs of the products involved and the benefits that each one of them has to offer. The product with the lowest cost and the highest benefits should be chosen.
Locking in customers.
July Networks is locking in customers for the next two years by telling them to subscribe with July Networks. This will keep these customers loyal to them for two years, during which they can further implement retention strategies to keep the customers with them more than two years.
This is a good business strategy and customers are attracted to subscribe because of the cutting edge television technology that is being provided by July Networks.