Answer: Protozoa contaminate the water supply.
Some protozoa are parasites and cause diseases like malaria.
Protozoa have an important role in the food chain.
Protozoa are parasitic or free living single celled eukaryotic organisms. They are mostly found in water bodies.
Protozoa contaminate the water supply: Some of the protozoan species which are released from the human feces usually contaminate thee water, and causes waterborne infections in humans. Examples are Cryptosporium and Giardia. The infection occurs through drinking water or swallowing water from swimming pool.
Some protozoa are parasites and cause diseases like malaria: The Plasmodium is the genus belonging to the protozoan parasites. This malarial parasite is transmitted by female Anopheles mosquitoes to humans. The parasite multiply in the red blood cells causes symptoms like fever, anemia, flue, illness and may also cause coma and death.
Protozoa have an important role in the food chain: The protozoa species plays many roles in the food chain, they act as consumers, predators or prey, herbivores and decomposers. Their main function is to control the population of other species in the same habitat. They engulf small single celled bacteria, hence prevents excessive bacterial colonization act as predator. They also feed upon the algal species therefore, act as herbivores. They act as decomposers, as they feed upon the organic matter present in the bottom of the aquatic water body. They are the source of food for large worm and insect species.
A type of standing-water habitat in which the soil is acidic and decay is slow is called a <u>bog</u>.
From the
books of Geography Seattle is well known for its rain and dark, gloomy skies, but
it may surprise many how pleasant the weather can be, particularly during the
summer months. Using data from meteorological services for the past 50 years,
we can conclude that November through March brings cool temperatures, heavy
cloud cover and rain falling on most days. The coldest month is January with
average lows in the mid to upper 30s F (about 3°C). Weather is pleasant from
April through October, with the best weather in July and August when highs
average in the 70s and rain is uncommon. Skies are mostly clear and smog-free,
though mornings can produce an on-shore flow resulting in low clouds and fog
which typically burns off by mid-day.
Answer: the answer is biosphere I’m not sure correct me if I’m wrong
Pulmonary Arteries where the blood is re-oxygenated.