It is speeding up because more distance is covered every second.
The car can be described to be speeding up because more distance is covered every second.
From what we understand about velocity and acceleration, the car is accelerating through the ramp.
It's velocity is increasing with every second it covers.
This will invariable reduce the time between each distance covered.
Originally, the toy car starts with a low initial velocity or speed. As it gains acceleration, the speed will increase and more distance covered per seconds.
This is why the dots clustered towards the end of the diagram. The positions are getting closer and distance reducing per seconds.
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Answer: Hetrotypes are organisms (anything that lives) that can make it's own energy without absorbing it from other organisms. Example: Flowers, they get there energy from the sun, not from eating and absorbing other organisms.
Chage identity of a substance
Mutations occur oftenly in organisms because it is seen as natural. Not all generations will give offsprings with perfect traits, They tend to have either 50/50 inherited traits from each parent of 100% off a parent if it was asexual reproduction.
In prokaryotes (organisms without a nuclear membrane), DNA undergoes replication and transcription and RNA undergoes translation in an undivided compartment. All three processes can occur simultaneously.
In eukaryotes (organisms with a nuclear membrane), DNA undergoes replication and transcription in the nucleus, and proteins are made in the cytoplasm. RNA must therefore travel across the nuclear membrane before it undergoes translation. This means that transcription and translation are physically separated. The primary transcript, heterogeneous nuclear RNA (hnRNA), undergoes extensive post-transcriptional processing to make a messenger RNA (mRNA)molecule that can pass through the nuclear membrane.