line 4
if salary < 30000
error missing ":"
if salary < 30000:
line 6
tax = salary * 0.2
error is missing identifier for tax
solution add identifier for tax on line 3
tax = 0.0
line 11
error syntax
solution is move tax = salary * 0.4 + 6000 to the right
tax = salary * 0.4 + 6000
Collaborative filtering
This is one out of five on the Recommender system apart from most popular items, Association and Market Basket based Analysis, Content-based analysis, self and hybrid analysis where we use both content-based and collaborative based approach together. And the Recommender system is a very important topic in Data science. For this question, remember that Collaborative filtering focuses on user and various other user's choices which are mathematically alike to concerned users, and which we find with the study of a large data set. Thus, we can predict from our above study that what are going to be likes of concerned users, and at the item level, whether that item will be liked by the concerned user or not. And this is prediction, and we use this approach in Machine learning these days. For this question, and as mentioned in question the requirements, answer is Collaborative filtering.
I'd choose A, all of the above.
Reasoning Why:
I'll be taking you on a step to step process on why I inputted the answer.
The <div>, is basically like a container that you can group tougher, why this is great is because you can edit the div using a background-color effecting that group such as the following..
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Brainly Example | HTML Div</title>
/*Example of the Background-color attrib*/
/*You can also use the background-image attrib, however I recommend you checkout W3Schools, on that topic.*/
<div id="byexample">
<p>Just some random text to demonstrate.</p>
You can also, in the <div> change multiple styles of an element in the div. However, if do want to change the styles of a single element you would need to nest it.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Brainly Example | HTML Div</title>
#byexample #text{
<div id="byexample">
<p id="text">Just some random text to demonstrate.</p>
Lastly, you can group elements using divs, as stated in openclassroom (website).
Anyways, I hope this helped!
Happy coding! is a great savings account.
Hello <span>Loveworld4058
Answer: Companies that develop software for sale are called software vendors.
Hope This Helps