Friars are different from monks in that they are called to live the evangelical counsels (vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience) in service to society, rather than through cloistered asceticism and devotion. Whereas monks live in a self-sufficient community, friars work among laypeople and are supported by donations or other charitable support.[2] Monks or nuns make their vows and commit to a particular community in a particular place. Friars commit to a community spread across a wider geographical area known as a province, and so they will typically move around, spending time in different houses of the community within their province.
U.S. Jobs Were Lost.
U.S. Wages Were Suppressed.
Mexico's Farmers Went Out of Business.
Maquiladora Workers Were Exploited.
Mexico's Environment Deteriorated.
Free U.S. Access for Mexican Trucks.
Justinian I was an emperor well known for establishing a long lasting rule of law with the help of his wife.
D. He was an intolerant leader who did not respect other people's beliefs.
Throughout Shi HuangDi's lifetime, he did may horrible things to many of the people living in China at that time, and even though he accomplished some great things like building the biggest part of the Great Wall of China, there are many accounts saying that the death toll of such a great project was more than 40,000. Other than that, he also murdered all of the scholars/teachers at the time and burned all of the books he could find. Other things he did include deporting/executing the former aristocrats/lords of the other states, and overtaxed his people.
The answer is A,B,D are all the correct answers because E is backwards