Because the all works that we did done and thinks to doing need some rules. Every thing in this world pepole looks this is wrong. We have to understand our culture because we live in the frame. The frame is culture anyone cqnt change it. Political like a game. Every politicions working for luxury life. They never think about the denziens of their country. As i think this is rhw reasone to understand the political.Socity is very diffrent. Always it full of curropution. we have to carefull of our self always.
So this is my answer you can add some to your self..
If you are talking about the priority of the order of operations. It is C.
It takes a lot ability to determine success. Wanting success on what your doing takes skill and talent. You can't succeed on something that your not great at, unless a specific goal is just trying something once.
Ns if this is what you meant but I hope this helps you :)