I had to do this project and its probably different from your experience but ill put my essay.
In 2019, if somebody told me that next year the world would be shut down and nobody could get within six feet of each other, I would have brought that person to a mental facility. The coronavirus is the most unimaginable, crazy period of time I (and probably the rest of the world) have ever lived through.
I’ve missed out on many things such as vacations, events, birthday parties, and fun activities. Towards the end of the sixth grade, there were all these fun activities and field trips planned since we were graduating elementary school. Only a week before all those activities were to start, the schools shut down and all we got was a driveby graduation at our school which I did actually enjoy but let's face it, that little event did not make up for the loads of things our grade was so very excited to do. My family was also supposed to go to Martha’s Vineyard with my aunt, cousin, and her fiance which we had started doing every summer, but we had to cancel it. The summer was nice though, as I went downtown a lot with my friends, went on my boat a lot, practiced sports, and swam in my pool. I think we can all agree that the summer probably would have been better without a global pandemic to worry about.
Although it’s been hard, the coronavirus has had some upsides to it. I’ve been recently focusing on improving myself/health and if the pandemic hadn’t happened, I wouldn’t have as much time daily and throughout the year to make these improvements for myself. For example, I’ve been going to the local CrossFit gym every day after school and I even participated in a nutrition challenge and won! It built up my self confidence a lot and I'm as fit and as healthy as I've ever been thanks to the extra time I've had to better myself. A lot of people have been saying things about the coronavirus making them have depression, anxiety, and social anxiety and I suppose I gained a bit of that (who hasn’t?) but it’s been really nice to get to focus on myself for a whole year and try new things I've always wanted to do but haven’t had time for. The pandemic has changed me, in some ways for the better because I take things less for granted now and really care about my health, state of mind, and wellbeing much more.
One should always learn from one's pasy mistakes and avoid them in the future.
Disagreement. A. CONFLICT
Disagreement is synonymous to conflict. It means two or more parties are not in agreement with each other. Thus, they are having a disagreement.
Conflict is the fight against a certain person, norm, or standard. It is a phase wherein one set of fact is in direct contrast with the other set of fact. Conflict arises between two or more clashing parties who have different views on a certain topic.
Juliet is not allowed to associate with Romeo because he is a Montague. If he had any other name it would be fine. She’s complaining that his name is meaningless. If the rose had any other name it would still be the same. So with Romeo; he would still be the same beautiful young man even if he had a different name. “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” Juliet knows that the blood feud prevents her from loving a Montague. She ponders it. It’s only your name that’s the enemy. You are what you are, even though you may be a Montague. What’s ‘Montague’? It isn’t hand or foot or arm or face or any other part belonging to a man. Oh I wish you had a different name. What is so special about a name? A rose, even if it were called something else, would smell just as sweet. So Romeo would still have all the perfection that he has, even if he were not called Romeo. Romeo, take off your name and in exchange for that whole name, which is not really a part of what you are, you can have all of me.
I phoned him because he was not home.
The second part of the sentence is now dependent on the first as it cannot stand alone as its own sentence.