- Biology Definition: Respiration is a chemical reaction that happens in all living cells. (Both plant cells and animal cells). Respiration is the way that energy is released from glucose so that all the other chemical processes needed for life can happen.
- Normal definition: The action of breathing, also called ventilation.

All other options are simply situational, while cold periods are usually seasonal.
Agglutination or clumping occurs when blood that contains the particular antigen is mixed with the particular antibody.
Clumping of blood types takes place thus;
A+ - Agglutination with Anti-A and Anti-Rh. No agglutination with Anti-B.
A- - Agglutination with Anti-A. No agglutination with Anti-B and Anti-Rh.
B+ - Agglutination with Anti-B and Anti-Rh. No agglutination with Anti-A.
B- - Agglutination with Anti-B. No agglutination with Anti-B and Anti-Rh.
AB+ - Agglutination with Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-Rh.
AB- - Agglutination with Anti-A and Anti-B. No agglutination with Anti-Rh.
O+ - Agglutination with Anti-Rh. No agglutination with Anti-A and Anti-B.
O- - No agglutination with Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-Rh.
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Because carbon dioxide is a GREENHOUSE GAS, it can trap the sun's heat in the atmosphere. Because the factory is made of concrete, it may deplete groundwater levels overtime by not allowing water to INFILTRATE.
Greenhouse gases trap the sun's heat and this is how we can feel it. Without greenhouse gases the earth's average temperature would be 30 degrees less. Other greenhouse gases include water vapor and methane. Increases in the levels of Greenhouse gasses are responsible for present day global warming.
Infiltration is the process by which water enters the soil and eventually becomes part of the groundwater.