It can help to close the gap in social inequality
Education does not immediately mean that one would become rich because sometimes people are well educated but have no jobs or underpaying jobs.
But education has a big role to play in the fight foe social equality. One of the goals of education is that it is a means to a free and a just society.
With this in mind, education and social justice have a relationship. A lack of education means a lack of social justice.
A world class education system is key to reduction in social inequality
Answer:According to Maslow, Bill may be attempting to meet the need of Belonging
Explanation: Belonging means you feel that you belong somewhere as part of something or part of a certain group. As human beings we all yearn and long for that place where we feel that we belong and we are accepted amongst a certain group , we are not just existing alone, it a need for us.
Greece's steep mountains and surrounding seas forced Greeks to settle in isolated communities. Travel by land was hard, and sea voyages were hazardous. Most ancient Greeks farmed, but good land and water were scarce.
this is how they isolated
Un tipo de glóbulo blanco llamado linfocito reconoce el antígeno como extraño y produce anticuerpos que son específicos para ese antígeno. ... Los glóbulos blancos también pueden producir sustancias químicas llamadas antitoxinas que destruyen las toxinas (venenos) que producen algunas bacterias cuando han invadido el cuerpo.