Echinoderms, they are among the most common invertebrate animals in the marine environment of virtually any part of the world, among them we can find species such as sea cucumber , salmon and cod fish, they have chamois cloth like outer layer, then we have the Crinoids, another example of marine species with feather, popularly they are called sea lilies and feathery stars, they have a solid calcite skeleton; they were so abundant in the paleozoic seas that their remains formed large limestone thicknesses.
Dolphins use their strong snouts as a powerful weapon to ram sharks, targeting their soft underbellies and gills to cause injuries. Sharks pose less of a threat to larger members of the dolphin family. Indeed, orcas are the top predator in the ocean and small sharks are a target for some populations.
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A benefit of using nuclear energy could be the abundance of uranium in nature. The human risk about mining that is the most important to consider are the health hazards that are associated with uranium mining.
> Water forms hydrogen bonds with other polar molecules. </em>
<em>> Water is a polar molecule. </em>
<em>> Water dissolves more ionic compounds.</em>
<em />Water is a polar molecule because of its uneven distribution of electron density. It is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one positive atom.
Since water is a polar molecule, it forms hydrogen bonds with other polar molecules. Though these bonds are relatively weak, however, there are so many of them present in water.
Water also dissolves most ionic compounds due to the fact that water is a universal solvent. When these compounds are added to water, there will be an interaction between the individual ions and the polar regions of the water molecules and disrupts the ionic bonds.
<em>INCORRECT </em>
> Liquid water is less dense than water vapor. - Liquid water has a higher density than water vapor. The fact that water vapor rises indicates that it is less dense than water.
>Water dissolves more hydrophobic substances. - Hydrophobic substances do not dissolve easily in water. It is termed as 'hydrophobic" because it means water-fearing.