I believe it’s D ! I did some research and D seems like the only logical answer.
The Cold War is first rely radio station
13 hours
The mill was full of looms that looked like the looms Lyddie was used to except they all ran automatically, which was different from her old loom. The noise in the factory was louder than the loudest thing Lyddie had ever heard. Mill workers had to work 13 hours, but Lyddie was used to it.
D) are under eighteen years of age and who commit acts that would not be considered crimes if they were committed by adults.
In the eyes of the law, a juvenile or a minor is any person under the legal adult age. This age varies from state to state, but in most states, the legal age of the majority is 18. CREDIT: Criminal.findlaw
A juvenile is said to be "unruly" when he or she will not follow the rules of home, school, or community and as a result, is subjected to penalties imposed by the Court. CREDIT: Co.hancock.oh.us
To "scour" means to clear an area or region of enemies or outlaws (i.e. "scour the area for our enemies and make sure they are eliminated). To "search" is to examine an area or region with the intention of locating something or someone. "Scouring" involves locating and eliminating an enemy; to search is to simply locate someone or something.