Most brokerage firms won't let you directly fund your account with a credit card to buy and sell stocks. Instead, you'll have to fund your account in other ways, like a bank transfer, check or wire transfer.
C) John Calvin!
He escaped France because religious tensions grew too high for him to stay there safely.
Its swampy location had a lot of disease.
Settlers were more interested in looking for gold than planting crops
They could not work together very well at first
Back in 1609-10, more than eighty percent of the people who were in Jamestown died from either disease or starvation. The survivors abandoned the area, although they ended up going back after they found, in the James River, a convoy with supplies. Jamestown was swampy and isolated. Mosquitoes were a plague. It was complicated to get in and out and had little space, which helped a lot for the diseases to spread out.
Besides all that, it seems that the colony took too long to learn how to work together and settlers hunted for gold rather than plant crops.
In many ways, it is very surprising that Jamestown did not fail.
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THis is because an aggressor is a country that begins hostility or attacks first