Tablet- children are always on it
Phone teenagers and older people have their whole life on there.
Laptop- people work on their laptop and will spend hours on it
TV- you can be watching tv and just say one more episode and keep watching for hours
Game console- Many males spend a lot of time playing with friends
I dont even know if im answering the right way sorri if im not lols
<span>The French term<u> avant-garde</u> is usually reserved for artists or artworks that challenge existing conventions of art. The individual or works have a tendency to be radical, revolutionary, and/or unconventional in regard to art, culture, and society.</span>
clothing, food, shelter, hygiene (toothbrush, face wash, toothpaste), education
those are the few basic major things you are expected to provide for children.
Love would also be a main one but it's not a resource.
1. Bel canto
2. Grand opera
3. Verismo
4. Tragedie en musique
5. Opera comique
6. Opera buffa
Public safety cause you will be out and about for fitness but still be executing the law i guess