Answer: The principle which consider fulfilling basic needs as vital first step before fulfilling the higher level ones.
Maslow Hierarchy of needs also indicate this issue in which he indicated how crucial it is to fulfill the basic needs before considering the higher up needs. He calls these as physiological needs which are food, water , shelter ,clothing and all other basic needs that are vital for humans to survive.
The human body is dependent on these needs to function properly;other needs can only be fulfilled effectively after these basic needs have been met.
Imagine trying to counsel and advise someone who is hungry , has no shelter , no water to drink , this person is likely to be in a very mentally devastated state so what ever you trying to install in them will have no effect because they are not in a state in which they can grasp it, digest it and remember it in the future. They can even use that information because their body can't function without the basic needs.