Number 4 is correct. <u>Mass customization.</u>
In this question, the most appropriate alternative is mass customization.
It can be defined as a process where companies produce goods and services for an expanded market, but that such products are modified and personalized to meet the needs and desires of a potential customer.
Mass customization allows the company to produce customized products with the advantage of productive flexibility and low unit costs that come from the mass manufacturing process.
This is a marketing strategy that is used to generate value for the consumer, since the company is able to offer a product with greater added benefits and at the same time maintain low manufacturing costs, which creates value and increases consumer satisfaction.
Loss-leader pricing
Loss leader pricing can be defined as a marketing strategy that entails selecting some retail products that is going to be sold below cost. This means that the retailer will not make any profit from the products being sold because the goods are being sold below the actual price.
This is done in order to get customers in the door. It is a method of enticing buyers to purchase your products.
This stategy attracts news customers because goods are being sold at significant discount to market price.
Event Dimension BP stock prices falling 25% during the first month after the oil spill. <u>ECONOMIC. </u>
The Economic dimension of the environment deals with production in the economy which means that it deals with business entities and the financial system. Dimension BP stock price falling therefore falls under her.
Using deep-se submersibles to take pictures of the oil leak a mile below the surface of the water. <u>TECHNOLOGICAL. </u>
The Technological dimension of the environment refers to anything related to the use of technology and using deep-sea submersibles to take pictures of the leak below the surface of the water will definitely fall under technology.
People moving from Louisiana to Oklahoma to avoid the effects of the spill. <u>SOCIOCULTURAL. </u>
Sociocultural dimension deals with human beings and how they relate with themselves and the environment around them. People therefore moving from Louisiana to Oklahoma will fall under here.
A larger industrial and service sector, and a larger number of people working outside of agriculture, can indicate a higher level of industrialization in the economy and vice versa. This means that the size of industrial service and the sector of agriculture employment rate indicates the level of industrialization because if the agriculture employment is higher than the industrial service it means that the country is not fully developed yet and therefore the level of industrialization is lower. But if the industrial service is higher than the agriculture employment that suggests or indicates that the country is developing or developed. For example in the United States the size of the industrial/service sector is much larger than it's agricultural employment and therefore this should suggest that country is much more industrialized or developed and the United States is. In comparison you take a developing country such as Chad and you can see that the agricultural employment is higher than the size of the industrial/service sector and in relation to this you can see that Chad must have a lower level of industrialization and in fact it does.
Components of creation that can be differed with yield delivered are alluded to as factor elements of creation.
Elements of creation that can't be differed with yield delivered are alluded to as fixed elements of creation.
In given case, stove and laborers are utilized in pizza creation.
It has been given that in short-run, number of stoves can't be changed however number of laborers can be changed.
Along these lines,
In short-run, these laborers are variable information sources, and the stoves are fixed data sources.
Number of Workers: 0
Output (Pizzas): 0
Marginal Product of Labor (Pizzas): 0
Number of Workers: 1
Output (Pizzas): 70
Marginal Product of Labor (Pizzas): 70
Number of Workers: 2
Output (Pizzas): 120
Marginal Product of Labor (Pizzas): 50
Number of Workers: 3
Output (Pizzas): 160
Marginal Product of Labor (Pizzas): 40
Number of Workers: 4
Output (Pizzas): 190
Marginal Product of Labor (Pizzas): 30
Number of Workers: 5
Output (Pizzas): 200
Marginal Product of Labor (Pizzas): 10