The sagebrush eats insects. When the insects land o the inside of the of the plant. the plant closes its mouth trapping the insects inside.
Because humans couldn’t see outside of earth. Gailieo Galilei used his telescope to prove this was wrong ultimately.
it was debunked till the 16th century. Scientists observations and knowledge had advanced too far for the geocentric model to explain them.
I looked like the sun was moving from earth but it really earth thats moving around the sun. The parallax is effect helped explain this.
2.Less than 73% of the populations would have only one allele present.
The two alleles chosen do not affect the fitness of flies in the lab environment, so Kerr and Wright could be confident that if changes in the frequency of normal and forked phenotypes occurred, they would not be due to natural selection.
Using a larger breeding population would not be expected to alter the outcome of the experiment.
Based only on the DNA, which populations do you think live in closer proximity to each other? What do you expect to see when comparing genes of lions that live closer together?
Surface Area, High tempatures and humidity.