The usage of at is the error
IN is for large spaces that can enclose (village, city, state, province, country, continent, mountain range, desert, zone, etc.)
ON is for surfaces.( street/avenue/road, most bodies of water, etc)
AT is for points ( We live at an address, at a certain point and at a certain person’s residence if just the possessive case is used to mean the residence.)
1- I live in Belgrade.
2-They live on Mulberry Street
3-I live at 199 Main Street
Conclusion: AT is a tiny point, ON is bigger, and IN is big enough to surround you.
The correct answer choice is b
Steve is defensive especially now that Don has pointed out that nobody knows what he has been doing in the basement. The evidence suggests that Steve is going to get angry at Steve for accusing him of causing all of the strange goings on in the neighborhood. To Don, this anger is more evidence that Steve is up to something.