This is the NIV verse of Galatians 3:1-2:
<u>1</u> You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified. <u>2</u> I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by believing what you heard?
He is calling out the Galations and is not commending or celebrating their actions.
I hope this helps! :)
B. Mr. White has to live with the knowledge that his actions caused his sons death.
The type of invention that interested the narrator's mother was to draw sketch of things such as spiral of co-rk-scr-ew, ha-n-dier handle, etc.
"Daughter of Invention" is a short story written by Ju-lia Alv-arez. The story is about Cu-ckita and her mother, who is accustomed to inventing something every night.
The narrator mentions that her mother used to create every night, in the corner of her room, as if a scholar burning the midnight oil. She used to draw sketched of various things in the notepad brought by Cu-ckita's father from office.
C. At the end of the road
This is a prepositional phrase because it describes the location/position of something! Prepositions can also explain time...
Here are some more examples of prepositional phrases!
- I need to eat <u>BEFORE I GO TO SCHOOL </u>
- The dog is sleeping <u>UNDER THE TABLE</u>
- I saw someone walking <u>ALONGSIDE THE ROAD</u>
- <u>AFTER I WAKE UP</u>, I brush my teeth