B. the population of migratory birds is affected by the use of wind turbines
Beyond durability, cockroaches are built to play defense. They have an exoskeleton to protect their soft bodies, and will hide whenever they're in the process of molting their exoskeleton. The exoskeleton is not only rigid but flexible to allow the roach to crawl into tiny crevices. Their legs are built for running
Crayfish are invertebrates which means they don't have a backbone. They are also arthropods, which means that they have a protective exoskeleton on the outside of their body. Other arthropods include insects, spiders, and centipedes. Crayfish continually shed their exoskeleton and regrow a new one. During this transition is when they are most vulnerable to predators because they aren't protected by their outer shell.
Crayfish are found all over the world in many different freshwater environments, such as rivers, creeks, springs, and swamps. But this doesn't necessarily mean that you will be able to find them. They are somewhat cryptic because they dig out homes for themselves under rocks and blend in well with their environment. Crayfish will ardently defend this dwelling against intruders using their strong front claws
Wavy hair is a very easy example that this is false. It's a merge between straight and curly hair. Our traits tend to mix and blend together, it's not so simple. Everybody isn't just tall or short, one or the other. Everybody is a different height because it's a mid between your parents.