I was at the museum one late night, making sure everything was in place. As I walk up to the mummy palace, which was a room where we kept all the fake mummies, I hear something fall.. i did not think much of it so I walked right out. As I was walking out, I had this very bad feeling in my stomach.. I turn around very slowly ... chills going on all over my body.. and I SEE IT!!! A real life mummy!!!! I run as fast I can hoping to get away from it but no luck. The mummy had gotten me and turned me into one of them. Now I’m a mummy in the museum. I’m on of them.
The quality or state of being pertinacious.
Below are the choices that can be found elsewhere:
A) Too many positions will be open for leaders in the newly created government.
B) Many people are interested in everyone being granted equal status.
<span>C) People think it would be easier obtain powerful positions with a divided government. </span>
<span>D) The government already in place at the time was functioning well.
The answer is D <span>Because it makes sense with the question.</span>
Sanatorium is a synonym for hospital.
- Rubicund means a reddish tint (think of Ron Weasley's reddish face)
- Per-exemption isn't a word.. but exemption means being counted out of something. (like if you don't have to pay taxes, you're exempt)
- Infirmity means sick<em>ness, </em>not somewhere where the sick are treated.
I think abiding.
I don't know why. It is just a guess