Because B.C stands for Before Christ and A.D means the year of our lord so historians took a turn from the traditional christian time method and made it B.C.E (before common era) and C.E (common Era)
Adults work outside the home while children attend schools
With the Industrial Revolution, the Western societies experienced numerous changes. One of the biggest ones was that the population migrated from the rural to the urban areas, and the density of the population in the city increased significantly. As the migration was caused by the job opportunities in the industry, the people were working in the factories, thus out of home. Since the technology was constantly upgrading, the labor force for the future needed to have certain amount of education, so all the children where provided with education, and for that purpose numerous thousands of schools were open all over these countries.
The Progressive Era is considered from 1890 to 1920. The major role of the United States in global affairs during this period of time was its involvement in the war.
The military affairs of that time included the war with Spain, the war to conquer the Philippines and the entry into the First World War.
Until the beginning of the 20th. century, political affairs in the US used to follow Washington and Madison, guidelines of neutrality and nonintervention.
But in those times, European nations turned into imperialism, establishing colonies in different parts of the planet. Time passed by when Theodore Roosevelt, influenced by <em>The Influence of Sea Power Upon History</em>(written by Admiral Alfred Thayer in 1890), understood the potential of investing money in other countries, securing the interest of the U.S.
In the 1910-1920's, the United States government followed an intervention policy in the Caribbean and Central America, the Philippines and even President Wilson supported the Mexican revolution.
A = pi * r^2 A = 3.14 * 50^2 A = 7,850 square miles (area of the 50 mile broadcast signal)
A = pi * r^2A = 3.14 * 75^2A = 17,662.5 = 17,663 square miles (area of the 75 mile relayed signal)
Now we just need to subtract the 50 mile signal from the 75 mile signal, so:
17,663 - 7,850 = 9,813 square miles greater
Hope this helps :)
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