Different aspects to be considered:
First of all, the steakhouse probably has the most clients between 6 to 8 PM, that is why discounts are not offered during that time.
Second, the discount is offered to only a certain group, employees of other stores, because it is a promotional strategy aimed at increasing the number of clients during slow hours. Since this is a fancy place, it is probably expensive also. Most employees would not actually eat there except on a special event, e.g. birthday or anniversary dinner. Even with the 20% discount, not many of them will actually eat there.
This is something nice to offer, since a shopping mall is a close environment where a lot of different people work together, even if very few will actually take the offer. It is normal that different stores have distinct promotions for the employees that work there. It is similar to offering perks that help create a better working environment between the employees of different stores.
Businesses has always had its challenges and also more peculiar challenges from time immemorial and it is so even today despite several business models and the likes being in operation.
In the 1900s, one of the peculiar challenges of businesses was the inability of manufacturers to transport their goods from the point of production to the points of sale. In the 1900s, railways began to become more open than from the time of rail owners and also vehicles as we know today began to come into existence. Overtime, heavy duty vehicles capapble of transporting and lifting good from the point of production to its point of sale began to come up.
If the market contracts, due to internal or external factors, then the demand for the goods and services that the firm sells will fall and thus, a propitious niche will disappear. and, if the market expands, and the company fails to meet the increased demand, then also the propitious niche will vanish.
C:Oligopolies involve more than one company while monopolies involve only one.
A monopoly is a market structure with one supplier serving a very large market. In a monopoly, a single firm sells to many buyers. The product or service offered by a monopoly has no close substitutes. Customers have no choice but to buy from the only firm providing the product or service. Monopolies may result from government policy or very restrictive barriers of entry.
An oligopoly is a market structure where very few firms dominated the market . It when four or five firms control the majority market share of a very large market. There could be other firms with very little market share. Firms in an oligopoly market may sell homogeneous or differentiated products. The few firms dominating the industry collaborate to profit from the market.