- Society: the use of genetic improving techniques may have a positive impact through crop improvement of traits of agronomic importance such as, for example, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses.
- Environment: the development of genetically modified crops conferring resistance to pesticides may have a negative effect on wildlife species (both plants and animals) and humans living in such agroecosystems.
In crops, genetic improvement technologies can be defined as the techniques associated with the development of better crop varieties, i.e., varieties that have higher grain yield, produce more biofuel, higher fiber content, etc. Genetic improvement techniques include, among others, selective breeding and genetically modified organisms. In crops, genetic improvement techniques have the potential to reduce hunger in the world. However, it is important to note that genetic engineering may be associated with the horizontal transference of genes and the development of genetically modified organisms (GMO), which may have harmful effects on wildlife species and humans, thereby GMO crops must be carefully assessed before their release into the field.
15 years for scientist to classify an area's weather as its climate.
a hypothesis. ... A theory is a group of hypotheses that prove a law is true. A law is a statement of fact, but a theory is an explanation. A theory is a proposed law that has not yet been peer reviewed.
1. Map-based genome sequencing: a; c; f; g
2. Whole-genome shotgun sequencing: b
3. Both sequencing methods: d; e
Map-based genome sequencing is a method that makes use of a reference genome sequence in order to determine the relative position of the DNA fragments before they are sequenced. This method is useful to determine the position of repetitive DNA fragments (for example, duplicated genes, repetitive non-coding regions, etc.) and Transposable Elements. Therefore, map-based genome sequencing is a suitable approach for large genomes (which are usually composed of repetitive sequences). On the other hand, in whole-genome shotgun sequencing, DNA sequences are obtained before the correct order of these DNA fragments is known. In this method, the genome is fragmented randomly into small DNA sequences (between 100 and 1000 base pairs), which are subsequently sequenced through the chain-termination sequencing approach (i.e., Sanger sequencing) and finally ordered by using bioinformatic tools that assemble overlapping reads.
1) receptor proteins need to b on the outside of a cell so the cell can absorb the nutrients it needs. receptors have a specific job, membranes are semi-permeable meaning it doesn't absorb nutrients that are not needed 4 a cell to function in a healthy individual.
2) water and glucose are what most cells need to produce energy to function and produce ATP, which allows the bloodstream to deliver nutrients to the entire body.