Your Values, would be your view and motivation and how your brain would justify all your actions.
External Influences are family, friends and environment.
Note: Intrinsic motivation is different to motivation but it could be beneficial e.g. exercise, you view it as horrible so you will get no where but if you view it as healthy and good for you and your reward is weight loss (or a protein drink or whatever) you will be motivated to do it.
Because they are at high risk of getting pulmonary tuberculosis.
An opportunistic infection is an infection caused by microorganisms that take advantage of the weakness of the body's defenses caused by HIV infection to cause damage. Opportunistic infections occur in people with compromised immune systems, allowing such organisms to cause widespread infection. In healthy individuals, microorganisms would not be allowed to proliferate to the point of causing infection because the immune system would keep them at bay.
People living with HIV are 28 times more likely to get pulmonary tuberculosis as an opportunistic disease. For this reason, HIV-infected individuals living close to each other in long-term treatment facilities, drug treatment facilities and prisons should be carefully examined prior to admission.
Washing hands
Washing your hands with soap and water, thoroughly and frequently.
A. muscles doesn't come with puberty, it comes with weight training.