Ok intentare:
1-Will their people screens ready on everything
2-Will everyone have a smartphone
3-Will people have space in vacation
4-People won't get sick
Do not be greedy, stop DOWRY! Don't degrade yourself by demanding dowry. Don't search for a shareholder,select a life-partner. Don't sell yourself, have self confidence.
The mandatory expansion of state Medicaid programs
In 2012, the U.S Supreme Court decided to keep Obama's health reform law which established, as a requirement, that the majority of Americans buy their own health insurance starting in 2014, and declared that such reformation was not unconstitutional. Therefore, limiting a huge expansion of Medicaid, the health care program that provides for those in need, which back then was growing rapidly and being used by many Americans.
Irreversibility refers to the preoperational child's tendency to "believe that what has been done cannot be undone".
Irreversibility is a phase in early child advancement in which a kid erroneously trusts that activities can't be turned around or fixed. For instance, if a three-year-old kid sees somebody straighten a ball of play dough, he won't comprehend that the batter can without much of a stretch be changed into a ball. Kids regularly develop past this phase by age seven.
I am guessing HOSTAGE or CAPTURE