El idioma que es muy común o que más gente habla
The most dramatic impact is a loss of habitat for millions of species. Eighty percent of Earth's land animals and plants live in forests, and many cannot survive the deforestation that destroys their homes. Deforestation also drives climate change.
The department of the Interior which was created in 1849, is responsible for managing the national parks system in the US.
Head of the department of the Interior is the secretary of the Interior who is reportable to the president of US.
Its responsibility is to conserve most of the natural resources and land reforms. It also run many programs related to the historic preservation.
This department is generally known as "Department of everything else" because it has a lot of functionaries and a very broad range of responsibilities over it.
To know more about the Department of the Interior here:
The answer is Robert La Follette.
As equações diferenciais lineares de primeira ordem possuem muitas aplicações e é uma das primeiras classes de equações abordadas nos cursos de EDO. A forma mais geral de uma equação diferencial ordinária, linear e de primeira ordem é
{\displaystyle y'+p(x)y=q(x)}, onde
{\displaystyle p} e
q são funções contínuas em um intervalo I.[1]