In the natural world, limiting factors like the availability of food, water, shelter and space can change animal and plant populations. Other limiting factors, like competition for resources, predation and disease can also impact populations.
Mass is defined as the amount of matter in a substance. It is usually measured by balances such as the beam balance and scales. It is measured in grams or kilograms depending on the size of the body.
The process of Rock formation involves how a rock is formed which is usually by sedimentation or cooling of magma in volcanic eruptions. In rock formation study,the geologist measures the mass of the rock which enables knowledge of the amount of matter in the rock. This is be used to determine the weight of the rock and the rock type and properties.
To convert Metamorphic into sedimentary rocks is high heat and pressure.
It depends on the size of the amplified DNA fragments (for example for SPAR markers consisting of 200 bp in length >> 1600 / 200 = 8)
The PCR based single primer amplification reaction (SPAR) methods are tools for detecting genetic diversity by using DNA markers such as Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSRs), Minisatellite DNA regions (DAMDs) and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs), which can be used alone or combined with each other. In the last years, the SPAR methods have gained attention in the scientific community because they are cost-effective and highly effective for the detection of both intraspecific and interspecific genetic variation. In the SPAR methods, the size of the bands will depend on the length of the amplified DNA fragments.