Passed by Congress in 1947, and ratified by the states on February 27, 1951, the Twenty-Second Amendment limits an elected president to two terms in office, a total of eight years. However, it is possible for an individual to serve up to ten years as president.
<span><u>written constitution = </u><u>after unification</u>
<em /><em>During revolutions in 1848-1849, the Frankfurt Parliament had produced a constitution for a unified Germany, but that move was rejected at the time by the king of Prussia, to whom the constitution was offered. </em>
<u>300 German states = </u><u>before unification</u>
<em>The German states had a long history of sovereignty in their individual territories. <u>Unification</u> meant bringing all those states together into one national entity.
<u>trade facilitated in the region = </u><u>before unification</u>
<em>The Zollverein, or customs union, was created between the German states in the 1830s. This eliminated customs tariffs between states and was a step that began moving in the direction of unification.
<u>risk of French aggression = </u><u>before unification</u>
<em>Germany became a united empire after the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71. Victory over France in that war by the German states operating as a coalition was part of what brought about unification.
<u>boundaries changed by Napoleon = </u><u>before unification</u>
<em>When Napoleon conquered territories throughout Europe in the early 1800s, he rearranged borders to enhance his empire's management of conquered territories. In the German states, this made them work together in ways they had not before, and was a catalyst toward desires for unification.
<u>two-house legislature = </u><u>after unification</u>
<em /><em>There was a legislature in the North German Confederation (1867-1870), which preceded unification. But that was a single-house (unicameral) parliament, whereas the Reichstag (legislature) of the unified German Empire was bicameral.</em>
Phillip II developed the artillery and arms, building an army with resilience and ability which helped his son Alexander in his conquests. He was made Commander in the army from a very young age which prepared him with the skills needed for combat and also as a leader
Answer: A child finds a shiny rock in a creek, thousands of years ago, and the human race is introduced to gold for the first time. Gold was first discovered as shining, yellow nuggets. “Gold is where you find it,” so the saying goes, and gold was first discovered in its natural state, in streams all over the world.
Explanation: A child finds a shiny rock in a creek, thousands of years ago, and the human race is introduced to gold for the first time. Gold was first discovered as shining, yellow nuggets. “Gold is where you find it,” so the saying goes, and gold was first discovered in its natural state, in streams all over the world.