No religion group ruled India, but many Indians currently, and in the past, follow Hinduism.
1) The Haywired scenario—headed by Tom Brocher and others—is a preparatory measure meant to ready law enforcement, fire fighters, utility workers, etc. for damage to infrastructure that will happen during a great Hayward earthquake. The right option is True.
2) The Haywired scenario plans for a similar amount of shaking compared to the 1868 Hayward earthquake. The correct option is True.
3) The amount of damage due to the 1868 Hayward earthquake is equal to our expected consequences following the upcoming next Hayward fault earthquake. The right answer is False.
1) The Haywired scenario is a 3D virtual sequence in which a hypothetical earthquake of magnitude 7 in the San Francisco Bay can cause chaos. An interdisciplinary panel of scientists have designed a hypothetical mainshock in the HayWard Fault and its possible impact and consequences of the ground shaking beneath Oakland. The idea behind this scenario is to improve the quality and reactiveness of Internet and telecommunication to react to such a hazard. They are seeking to prevent gaps in knowledge and communication needs and solve any "communication congestion" so that law enforcement, fire fighter, utility workers and any other service to work effectively under such a disaster.
2) The Hayward scenario is based on a large earthquake that hit the San Francisco Bay in 1868. Its magnitude was 6.8 and there is a high probability of such a massive quake occurring again. Scientists are also concerned with “recurrence interval” on the fault as this type of events tend to be equally or exceed the previous one in a cyclical flow of time.
3) The main difference between the earthquake that stroke in 1868 and the currently expected is that at that time damage was contrived to a small number of buildings as the land was just developing with scarce population. Conversely, an earthquake of that magnitude would threaten more than 7 million people leaving near the Hayward Fault. Apart from causing a vast destruction of infrastructure and building, it would seriously hit the national economy.
You are a Bay
A bay is smaller than a gulf, and bigger than a cove, but is still an inlet of an ocean.
<u>Black Sub-urbanization:</u>
During, the era between 1910 to 1970, most of the black community in the south migrated towards the northern cities.As there were settlements in the northern city made by the black people. About 3.5 million black people were settled in the northern cities, in the era of 1970. As the small towns where black once lived in small number were now considered as cities,due to the large number of black community in the south.
<u>Space in the Northern cities:</u>
Over, 12 metropolitan areas were now occupied by the blacks who migrated to the North. As there was space left by the white people who left the area, but there were many difficulties faced by the black people who migrated to the Northern region. Now, there were two types of black settlements which were been made in the Northern region, which were as follow:
- The people who migrated to the neighbor states or region, as they settled inside the Northern cities. And covered most of space.But they faced some issues relating racial slurs from the white community in the northern cities. As the black people faced great difficulties in having a peaceful and prosperous life in the region.
- While, the other type of Sub-urbanization was done by covering the vacate space or land near the well developed black communities in the Northern region.So, they made extension into those land and covered them up for making a more densely covered area or we can say a metropolitan region in the North.