- reduce the number of trips you take in your car
- purchase less toxic cleaning supplies.
- use double-sided copies
-join the Clean Air Zone Program and actively encourage parents to adhere to the signs by no idling
- use energy-efficient fluorescent lights and properly recycle them when they are spent
- taking care of existing tress in neighborhood
- remember that trees absorbs excess carbon dioxide from the air and reduce pollution
- reducing the number of trips you take in your car
- eliminating fireplace and wood stove use
- avoiding burning trash
- avoiding using gas-powered lawn and garden equipment
- urning of less coal will reduce air pollution
- growing more trees
My say would be yes. You should always stick up for yourself
Last question I will answer, try an find them yourself, I believe in you. you got this<span>: heesy, gooey, sticky, salty, meaty, tasty, delicious,</span>