Based on the diathesis-stress model schizophrenia is the result of interaction between environmental and biological/genetic factors. According to this model, when the combination of the predisposition (diathesis) and the stress (biological, social, and psychological stressors) exceeds a threshold, the person will develop a disorder.
I believe they are called endothermic.
Endotherms also called warm blooded animals are those that maintain a constant body temperature independent of the environment. They primarily includes, birds and animals, but some fish are also endothermic. On the other hand ectothermic animals or cold blooded animals are those whose regulation of body temperature depends on the external sources such as sunlight.
Answer is sociocultural theory treatment model.
Sociocultural theory has been described as one of the important theories in psychology. This theory highlights impact of contributions the society make to people activities, outputs, or developments. One of the aspects is education.
The sociocultural theory explained that learning is when there is social interaction between or among individuals. This shows that, the mental abilities of people are based on the social interaction and the culture they are in.
In the case of Gloria, the society where she found herself ,probably does not treat the people or students from a poor family well. This means that , there is discrmination between the poor and the rich, and this will definitely affect the functionality of her mind.
Bacteria are classified into 5 groups according to their basic shapes: spherical (cocci), rod (bacilli), spiral (spirilla), comma (vibrios) or corkscrew (spirochaetes). They can exist as single cells, in pairs, chains or clusters.